Our Impact
We at CFJ not only want to keep people physically from harm, but we also want to help them achieve a life where they can be independent and thrive.
Quantifying the impact of our work can be challenging. We share information through media interviews, community speeches, and through our social media posts, but how do we know we’re making progress?
People becoming self-sufficient as they leave abuse behind is a measure of change.
Change can also be providing an opening for challenging conversations, reflection, and advocacy for others. But what do our clients think? What do the people who receive our services feel about the way The Center for Family Justice handles their cases? We wondered the same thing, so in 2022 we initiated a survey to help us evaluate our client experience.
Making the decision to come to The Center for Family Justice is a big decision. It’s often because someone fears for their personal safety.
Many times, leaving an abusive situation means survivors must start over, with little in terms of money, or a safe place to live. In some cases, they have been brought here from another country, adding language barriers to an already challenging environment.
We have many ways to help. From free legal assistance in family court – an expense not many can afford to English-as-A-Second-Language classes to increase employment opportunities. We can also provide access to support groups and counseling services to help those struggling with trauma. We help children through our Camp HOPE-Bridgeport and Pathway to HOPE programs. All of this happens HERE!