Dear Friends:
What a wonderful few weeks of heartfelt generosity we’ve witnessed this month at The Center for Family Justice. Our lobby has been filled with a steady stream supporters who’ve come bearing gifts for our clients. It has truly been an outpouring of overwhelming kindness and our clients and staff have been touched deeply by the benevolent spirit in which you’ve made victims of sexual and domestic violence and child abuse part of your hearts and seasonal giving.
The giving from community leaders, clergy, civic organizations, private donors as well as some incredibly thoughtful children and teens has reminded all of us of what matters most this season.
Here are some things I’m grateful for right now:
- Our incredible volunteers, beginning with our Board of Directors who are constantly generous with their time, financial support and expertise. They make this organization stronger.
- Our selfless staff. Every day they tirelessly go above and beyond to turn victims into survivors.
- Our law enforcement partners, first responders and mandated reporters. They save lives by taking– and making– the urgent “911” calls that have the power to transform and save lives.
- The White Ribbon Committee of Men who join us in refusing to be bystanders. They are taking a stand that violence against women and girls is never acceptable.
- Our corporate and business supporters whose generous grants, event sponsorships and philanthropic donations have made a real difference in our ability to become the state’s first Family Justice Center.
- I’m grateful for the support of our state domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions and the collaborative work they do with us to strengthen laws and protect victims in places ranging from our local college campuses to courtrooms.
- I’m profoundly appreciative of the support of our legislators and elected leaders on a local, state and national level who truly understand that the need to eradicate domestic and sexual violence in our communities is paramount.
- The local medical community; particularly the staffs at our hospital emergency rooms who treat victims of sexual assault and domestic violence when they are injured and so vulnerable. These medical responders know to call our hotline 24/7 and make that first vital connection to help our clients become survivors.
- Our private and individual donors who make a deeply personal commitment to provide victims with the best possible services and programs. They support our steadfast goal of providing these services as part of the “under one roof” Family Justice Center model so that victims get all the support they need in one safe place.
- Our dynamic teen community leaders who join us as members of our Youth Advisory Board as well as active, engaged members of abuse awareness clubs in our local high schools. They give us hope that the future is bright by standing together to say, “No More.”
- I’m so grateful to be working with UN Women and Girls to seek global answers to the international problem of violence against women and girls. By working together, we are on the path towards creating a world where genders can live side-by-side as equals.
On a more personal note, I’m incredibly grateful for nine years I’ve had the gift of leading this incredible organization that has become a model for the collaborative way in which staff, volunteers and community partners come together to create hope. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my own family, who share my goals of fostering kinder communities and lives that are free of abuse, violence and trauma. They support me in these efforts on a daily basis and I’m especially grateful to them this year.
My best wishes for a peaceful, safe 2016!
Debra A. Greenwood,
The Center for Family Justice